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Hide and Squeak

A story about discovering how to deal with Tourettes through play.


Sisters Brooke and Aria are playing hide and seek together. However, Aria has tics and has never won as a hider before, she's too easy to find! But she has an idea to level the playing field a bit so that she can have a fairer chance at winning this time.


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I have chosen to base my animated film on a topic personal to me, which is Tourette Syndrome. I want to create something on the topic that I would like to see personally, which is also something I believe others with Tourette’s will enjoy. I don’t like to take myself too seriously, which is why I have decided to approach this project with an endearing and humorous direction. I want to create something light-hearted that anyone can enjoy, with or without a tic disorder.


Tic disorders and Tourette’s are not often portrayed in media. Therefore, I would like to find a way of representing people like myself fairly. From what I’ve seen of existing representation, it’s often done in a way that’s either inaccurate and/or the main part of the joke (which is often pretty insensitive too). I have seen Tourette’s represented correctly before, and it’s always been by people who have a tic disorder themselves. I would like to make my piece quite endearing and show how people can find ways of managing their disabilities. A way of making it endearing will be through the way the characters interact with each other and move in their environment.

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